#1 Best GSM Texting Phone for Net10 - LG900g
Why it's the Best: Most people think of Blackberry as the reference for a great QWERTY phone so it's no surprise that the LG 900g has the same basic layout, keyboard size and screen size as a Blackberry. This makes for an excellent ergonomic design that's easy and comfortable to use. The keypad buttons are perfectly sized and give you that hard click feedback so you know you haven't missed a press.
Check Net10 LG900g Availability
Of course a great keyboard is just part of it. The other think that makes texting on the LG 900 so easy is the relatively low number of key presses it takes to send a text once your done. Simply type your message, press send, pick your contact and press send again. It's not only easy but very intuitive. So easy even a caveman can do it!
#2 Best GSM Texting Phone for Net10 / #1 Best GSM Texing Phone for Tracfone - LG500g
Much of what makes the LG900 so great to text with are the same things that make the LG500 a great texter as well. The keyboard layout is identical though its a tad smaller than the LG900. That being said, the keys are still very nicely sized so finger fumbles are minimized. Keys offer the same hard click feedback as the LG900g. The one thing that is quite superior to the 900 is the email like texting interface. It's got the To box first, then the message all in 1 screen. Then at the bottom you have a series of icons for attaching files which is very cool and the 900 does not have.
Check LG500g Tracfone Availability
Check LG500g Net10 Availability
The major downside to the LG500g is the odd screen size. Where the LG900 is close to being square, the LG500g is rectangular in shape. It's unusually narrow so it's kind of strange. Another downside is the SD card port which requires removal of the battery. That being said, the price difference between the 900 and the 500 make the 500 more attractive. Especially if you are giving it to one of your kids.
Since the LG500g is Tracfone's only QWERTY phone, it's simply the best texting phone by default for all the reasons above.
If you want a great texting phone, these two are your best bet. The obvious QWERTY keyboard make these an excellent choice. Of course other things like interfaces and simplicity in sending texts make them great options. I highly recommend these two for serious texters or for people who want to get their kids a nice texting phone. Both come with good text rates so you can thoroughly enjoy these two phones.