Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Straight Talk and Net10 LG L35g

The Straight Talk LG L35g is a very square and pretty cool new Android device.  This one is worth talking about because it is another GSM phone for use with either AT&T or TMobile.  It should be noted that this is an entry level device priced between $100 and $129. This Android, as with all other Androids on Straight Talk, will use the $45 unlimited plan.  Sorry, the $30 plan will not work with this phone.

Check LG L35g Availability

You may be thinking that this looks an awful lot like a tablet from this image. I know I thought it was one too. You might also be thinking this is one of those large 4"+ screened devices. Well, neither is the case. This phone is actually in the 3.2" or so screen class so the phone is very compact.  It's probably one of the smaller Straight Talk Androids out there. As for the tablet appearance, this must be something LG is playing around with because I've seen a few new LG devices of this same design.

One last thing to mention is that you may be wondering what happened to the other two Android buttons? The Search and Menu buttons to be exact.  Well, they've been replaced by that space bar looking button in the middle. 

Overall, this is an interesting and pretty unusual device which definitely stands out from the crowd.  It's small and compact which is always a good thing.

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